Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ice Storm!

As many of you probably know, New England has been struggling through a very tough weekend...The storm on Thursday caused an unprecedented number of power outages across the area. Here in Dover we went almost two days without power or heat. My parents' neighborhood in Nashua still doesn't have power, but they are lucky enough to have a generator that they are sharing with some neighbors. We managed here pretty well...In a way it was nice to be without television or computers for a little while. We played a lot of cards at night, drove and walked around during the day. If it wasn't for the cold, it wouldn't have been too bad, but by yesterday morning it was about 47 degrees in the house. A couple of our friends in Dover did have power, so we sought refuge there yesterday, until our power came back in the afternoon.

I tried to make the most of this whole situation by shooting some long exposures while playing cards a couple nights ago. I also took some pictures of the Cochecho River in downtown Dover.

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

From Ice Storm, December 12-14, 2008

They look a lot better when viewed larger, so check them out on Picasa.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time to start again...

I've been thinking a lot lately about starting to blog again...I've got a few different things going on that I'd like to start documenting and sharing. After a pretty long hiatus, I've started taking pictures again. I don't shoot as regularly as I have in the past but it's a start. I got a new camera this fall (Canon EOS 40D), right before shooting my brother's wedding in October. That was the first wedding I've had a chance to shoot and I actually had a pretty good time, and I think I made some successful images. Unfortunately I haven't been able to edit this images yet though, because I was on Star Island until the end of October, went to Key West last week, and didn't have a computer until a couple weeks ago. Of course, I took a bunch of pictures in Key West, and here in Dover before I left for vacation, so I have a lot of catching up to do

I think one of my favorite parts of Key West was the Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. Shooting there was a great way of limiting myself to a small space and specific subject matter, so that I could really focus on taking pictures...Whenever I was just walking around in Key West, I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't choose what to take pictures of. There's still a lot of editing to do, but here's a start.

Monday, April 28, 2008

For Frank

So, Frank told me to start posting...I've been wanting to for a while but I've been really busy with thesis, having tons of computer issues (getting a new one for graduation though!), and haven't been shooting. But, I'll be headed off to the island soon, so I thought I'd post a few images from last summer:

This is Annie, one of my best friends on the island...We worked on the same crew last summer and will be working together again this summer. This image was a regular occurance last year: waiting on the pier for a boat while everyone else ate dinner.

Just another night on Shack Deck, where most of the Pelicans (the people who work on Star Island) go to relax after a hard day's work. This deck is off the back of the building I live in and looks right out over the water.

A view of Shack Deck from below.

The view from Shack Deck.

I really want to scan some of my black and white work and cyanotypes, and get pictures of my thesis work. So much to do! Hope this holds you over until I start shooting again, Frank!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The last picture I took...

I haven't taken pictures in a while. Things have changed a lot this semester, art-wise, and photography has taken a bit of a backseat. I know I haven't updated in a seriously long time, but I thought I'd show an image of where I left off. Oddly enough, this image is in many ways connected to the work I'm doing now, which is all sculpture-based and doesn't involve any photography.

It's late, so maybe I'll talk more about this later...If I get a chance/some time, I'll shoot some photos of what I'm working on now, just for comparison.